Become a member

Membership of AEGEE-Delft can be summed up in the following points:

  • Only €50,- per year
  • You can take part in all AEGEE-Delft activities
  • Members of AEGEE-Delft are automatically member of AEGEE-Europe, so you can join all AEGEE events


Convinced? Subscribe below!

    Personal data

    Klik op de kalender om je geboortedatum te kiezen.

    Sex (mandatory)
    MaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to say

    Preferred contact language (mandatory)

    Contact data

    Payment method through automatic invoice

    I agree that AEGEE-Delft can deduct the subscription fee of €50,- yearly from my bank account as long as I am a member of AEGEE-Delft (mandatory)
    I agree

    Hobbies, talents and interests

    Which of the following topics would you like to work on in AEGEE-Delft?
    Graphic designOrganising activitiesOrganising tripsFundraisingActivities of AEGEE-EuropeLeadershipBartendingBecoming a member of a social clubSocial topicsCultural topics

    I have read the statutes, the Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions and agree with those. This form has been completed truthfully. I am a member until digital cancellation. (mandatory)
    I agree

    Welcome package

    Do you want to receive a welcome package with AEGEE-Delft goodies, containing stickers, playing cards, a mug, poster & AEGEE-passport?
    Yes and I give AEGEE-Delft permission to deduct the €10,- cost of the welcome package from my bank account by means of an automatic invoice

    By clicking the button below you will become a member of AEGEE-Delft and, if indicated, you will subscribe to the introduction weekend.

    Termination of membership
    The membership will be renewed till termination. A notice of termination of the membership may be given until one month before the end of the financial year (July 31st), given in writing (email to In case the termination of the membership did not occur in time, the membership will continue until the next financial year.
