How can I register as a member of AEGEE-Delft?

You can become a member of AEGEE-Delft here.

How can I register for activities?

You can subscribe for activities through our members portal (als je niet ingelogd bent – kijk here). You don't have to subscribe for ALVs or other walk-in events. Send the board a message if you want more info about (registering for) an activity.

Can I participate in activities as a non-member?

You're welcome at our activities even if you aren't a member! Send a message to board@aegee-delft.nl. You are also welcome to the social drink, you don't have to register for that!

Where and when does the social drink take place?

Elke dinsdag vanaf 18:00 ben je welkom om met ons te borrelen op de Thor Boot, op De Nieuwe Haven 5. Diner zal ook rond deze tijd geserveerd worden. Na het diner zal de borrel dan echt beginnen en die eindigt vaak in de late uurtjes. Meer informatie is te vinden op de the social drink page.

Can I come to social drinks as a non-member?

Even if you are not a member, you are always welcome to join our social drink! You do not have to register for this. More information about the drink can be found here

Where is the AEGEE-Delft office and when can I go here?

Het kantoor is te vinden op Kanaalweg 4, 2628 EB Delft. Door de weeks kan je soms langskomen voor tosti’s, kijk op de tosti pagina wanneer we een lunch hebben!

Where can I go with all my other questions?

Is your question not listed here? Send an email to board@aegee-delft.nl
