The board wants to support initiatives of members! That's why we have created a activity fund with a total of €50 available that members with a good plan can claim. Do you want to organize a fun activity or implement a fantastic plan, but do you need financial support for this? Send a budget, a plan with a description of your activity and a motivation why you need the money to
The plans will be assessed by the board. We will look at the overall beneft for AEGEE-Delft, how many members proft from the activity, contribution to the identity, cohesion, publicity, sustainability and/or development of AEGEE-Delft and its members. Committees and social clubs (disputen) can also apply for the fund; we do require the asked amount to account for less than half of the total budget of the activity.
How the fund has been spent will be presented during a GMA. If the fund has not been (fully) used by the end of the year, the board will invest the remaining amount in one or more activities in the spirit of the above criteria.
We are excited to see your ideas!