Leuven is life (November trip)

It was the end of November, the weatherman told us that it would be a dreadful weekend with a lot of rain. Of course we did not back down from our adventure! We went with a total of 23 lovely AEGEEans to the gorgeous city of Leuven. On Friday we divided ourselves in two groups, one of the groups started a bit earlier because they didn't have any lectures in the afternoon. They started around 14:00 from Delft while the other group started at 17:30. The afternoon group already picked up a bag of Flemish fries to taste the locals' specialty. That night we ate at a great restaurant called "Tibetan Palace". That night we went out for our first small pub-crawl were we visited at least "de Giraf" and "Barvista", well-known amongst locals.

On Saturday morning we had a city-tour scheduled with our friends from AEGEE-Leuven, we started the tour around 11:00. After the city tour most of us flocked to the café's for a nice hot chocolate to warm up after being outdoors in the cold for a couple of hours. In the afternoon we went to the Artois brewery in Leuven, a gigantic brewery which brews many types of beers. After the brewery tour we could taste one of their beers as well! After the brewery we fell into smaller groups who each went for a perfect place to have dinner. After the dinner we re-joined with each other and the people from AEGEE-Leuven to celebrate our last evening in Leuven in the clubs.

On Sunday there was no programme and most of us went home directly after checking out of the hostel, some of which went to Antwerp, which was on the way home and some of us wanted to see. In the end this was an awesome journey which will stay in my memories for quite some time. I hope the next travel will have at least as much people!

By: Lars van Roemburg
