Dé gezelligheids/reis vereniging van Delft​

Open stage night


‘Gezelligheid’ is a word in Dutch that cannot be translated. It can be described as the happy feeling which you have during social conversations, fun activities and new experiences. Every week we have activities which contribute to this ‘gezelligheid’. The social drink is the place to be for meeting other members and exchanging stories. Feel free to drop by our social drink!


Travelling is our passion. AEGEE-Delft organises at least 5 trips a year. During these trips we discover new cultures, explore nature and create new friendships throughout Europe. We do this by hitchhiking, flying, driving and cycling. Read more about our epic journeys here! verhalen!

European network

AEGEE-Delft is a part of the European network AEGEE-Europe, the largest European student association! About 13000 students spread throughout 40 countries meet during the many international meetings, activities and exchanges. The biggest event, the Agora, even harbours 800 students!


Everybody is welcome and everyone can be who they want to be within AEGEE-Delft. Because of that, we are a close and varied group of people where everyone can find his or her place. We have an open mindset and have active members in our many committees and clubs. This makes AEGEE a place to gain amazing experiences.

Personal development

Every activity within AEGEE is organized by and for students. As a member you can participate in workshops and trainings and give your own input in committees and working groups. This gives members of AEGEE-Delft unique experiences every year. On the European level there are even more possibilities within the network of AEGEE-Europe.

Active in Delft

AEGEE is an active association in Delft. We have a social drink every Wednesday, organise parties, Friday afternoon drinks and a different activity every week. Next to this, members are always welcome at our office for a chat or unlimited tostis. Look here for our Activity Calendar!

Our adventures!

Meet the president: Koray

  Hey! My name is Koray and this year I am going to be the president of AEGEE-Delft. Currently, I am 23 years old and I just finished my bachelor...


Februari reis 2022 – Roemenië

Previous Next Na een jaar met veel te weinig AEGEE reisjes waren er in de februarivakantie zelfs twee tegelijk! Eén naar een prachtig skioord in Frankrijk en eentje naar het...



Membership of AEGEE-Delft can be summed up in the following points:

  • Only €50,- per year
  • You can take part in all AEGEE-Delft activities
  • Members of AEGEE-Delft are automatically member of AEGEE-Europe, so you can join all AEGEE events

